The Best Wine Shirts and Funniest Drinking Shirts

The Best Wine Shirts and Funniest Drinking Shirts


Nearly everyone loves tank tops, hoodies, t-shirts, and other kinds of shirts. They are not just simple to wear. They are also the easiest gifts to give someone.

Perhaps, your closet once had more than one t-shirt, and you have been living in t-shirts for months. Now it is high time you give your wardrobe an upgrade with the following funniest drinking, comfy, and wine shirts from reliable stores, like Kitschy Tees:

1. Mama Need Wine

Moms who may wear ‘Mama Needs Wine’ t-shirts are completely different from moms who worry about their kids being placed in the foster-care systems.

All the Desperate Housewives, Jules Cobb on Cougar Town, and Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife may drink a glass of vino for a comedic effect and be attentive mothers and likable.

Like Cameron Glover says, maintaining an audience’s sympathy while misbehaving is a privilege reserved for a cis white woman.

Absolutely no one would laugh in case Mo’Nique’s character in Precious put on a shirt to promote alcohol, though Jules may chug wine out of the goblet and get away with it.

2. Out of Wine

There are many crappy things in this life. At times, aliens take over the planet, and sometimes people get involved in a car accident,

None of this can be compared to crappy moments when you run out of wine. Basically, this funny shirt displays horror, which makes everyone nervous to look at.

What this means is that being out of wine is actually being of your mind. You will need wine to get yourself through the day, week, month, and even the entire year.

Most of these t-shirts have relatable and simple designs. So it means everyone may find the style they love or like.

3. Just Add Wine

This custom wine t-shirt is one of the popular shirts listed in many clothing stores. Each t-shirt is customized using the traditional process of drying and waxing. This means the t-shirts are high-quality.

The message, Just Add Wine, is clear that you love drinking the juice. You can proudly wear this t-shirt when you go out for wine tastings or when you go to your favorite wine bar. Especially dark blue t-shirts can do a great job of hiding little spills.

4. Call If You Remember

Depending on your hangover, this funny t-shirt might be a reality once you wake up with a headache while screaming at the heavens to ask why. But last night you promised something. This shirt clearly shows that.

5. Drunken Grownups

This funny drinking shirt is suitable for friends, dads, or moms to wear for birthdays and spring or summer vacations.

It is great for alcohol humor, especially if you like drinking Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Pinot noir, Riesling, Merlot, and Rose.

Closing Remarks!

Women who like drinking a glass of wine can be a stereotype, but the truth is that they exist. If you like drinking wine in the evening, you can wear one of the aforementioned t-shirts. But if you overthink, some clothing stores may help you make the right decision when it comes to those funny tees.
