com.lge.shutdownmonitor- The shutdown monitor

com.lge.shutdownmonitor- The shutdown monitor


What is com.lge.shutdownmonitor? How to fix the error, Unfortunately, com.lge.shutdownmonitor has stopped? Hi and welcome back to Dailyarticlesnews. Consequently, for now, our topic is com.lge.shutdownmonitor. We will be explaining everything regarding the shutdown monitor, as you recognize we prepare. Clearly, it’s the package that we will address. com lge shutdown monitor is the package in LG projects that are connected with Shutdown monitor. Instantly fascinating of the tech geeks out there may appreciate about shutdown monitor from their prior experience. However, this report will be formulated, keeping in thought that the browser is entirely ignorant of the shutdown monitor.

Read More: com.lge.shutdownmonitor

Also, you figured it top. Because com.lge.shutdownmonitor is a package in-built in LG devices, it is likely to malfunctioning due to way crash or other concerns. Such failures due to the unfavorable holding of a package and associated apps build obstacles. The principal of them holds your device applying dead. The failure prompt retains rising after each moment or so, causing you helpless to do anything. So, in conclusion, we will also be considering some fabulous techniques to fix the error generated. If you are here because you encounter this error instantly, you’re at the appropriate place. Learn along to grasp nearly it.


What is “com.lge.shutdownmonitor” ?

com.lge.shutdown monitor” normally system apps. It’s the default Andriod app for all LG devices. All of the * and com.lge. * are system apps. The word ‘lge’ indicates LG Electronics. LG Electronics Inc. is a South Korea multinational electronics company headquartered in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea.

“shutdownmonitor” in Andriod Vs windows

In Androids ‘shutdownmonitor’ monitor the phone shutdown whereas in windows which is used to prevent accidental shutdowns.

Reason for Phone Shutdown in Androids- com.lge.shutdownmonitor

We can classify it into four terms

  • First thing, If you do not fix the battery perfectly, it may cause a phone shutdown.
  • Next, If the size of the battery is unfit for your phone that may also cause a phone shutdown.
  • While you using a mobile phone, suddenly or unfortunately when you drop the phone on the surface that too also one of the reasons for phone shutdown.
  • The space of the battery may also change over time.
  • Finally, The phone shutdown may also occur while you do some physical activities with your phone.

Yeah, always you kept your mobile phone with yourself so the battery getting loses a little bit when you move, jump, or shake with your phone. Due to this, the battery disconnects itself from the phone user

Application Tools- used com.lge.shutdownmonitor

Root Package Manager App for Latest Andriod Versions

  • Package Manager is an Android App that is also called as Application Programming Interface. Its Main Process is to maintain the Application Tools.
  • Application Tools consists of three types. They are
    • Install (When you install this app in your system or Android, it starts the process of interpreting the Package and reveals its approval.)
    • Uninstall
    • Upgrade
  • It comes with the name of “Backup Manager” which supports users to maintain the application tools.
  • It’s a user-safe app too. Because before installing the system apps from unknown source users shares this app information with the package manager so it does the process with the help of the APK approach.
  • In Androids APK files are store in Pre- Install and User Install.
  • Features of this trusty app are, you can Launch or Install, Uninstall, able to share the other unknown app details with this APK, and supporting app also.
  • If cache files are available means it will clear that.

Research-based Real-time Application Details- used com.lge.shutdownmonitor

APK record

It is generated on March 16, 2019. The Source of this APK Record is ‘apk mirror’. The Abbreviation of APK is “Android Package”

  • “APK mirror” is a website, using this you can get the android apps. usually, you get the mobile apps from the play store only but if you have the situation of not able to install that particular app means, please you can use this website for com.lge.shutdownmonitor.
  • And the main thing, this is the third party APK website only which is a trusted one because it is owned by Android Police. Since if you are having trouble downloading an app from the play store then please use this apk mirror website.
  • On the apkmirror website, all apps recognize and very standard ones.
  • The user ID is “android.uid.system“. In all Androids has different user Identification according to that all androids run their process.
  • If you want to find the respective UID in your Android means kindly run this command: ADB shell dumpsys(Which is a tool to run on android devices and also provide information about system services) package your-package-name in used com.lge.shutdownmonitor.
  1. Package name: com.lge.shutdownmonitor
  2. Version Code: 26
  3. Package version name: 8.0.0

But Above mentioned points are certificate validation in progress.

Shutdown monitor On Pc

  • Shutdown Monitor uses a kind of simple trick to prevent the users from negligently shutting down their PC.
  • After you will start the shutdown monitor, it tells the windows that it was one of the first programs that were started on the PC, so it will be the first notified if a user begins a shutdown, reboot, log off, etc.

How to fix Unfortunately, com.lge.shutdownmonitor has stopped

If you take it in Androids power failure may be due to the mobile phone hardware and also software.

In Software recover

  • If your phone may be lock or power off and multiple apps install at once.
  • After running an app the power is turned off means please advised to uninstall that app.
  • Steps to uninstall that app is Go to Menu –> settings –>General –>Apps –>Select the App –>Uninstall.
  • One of the important things is to check your phone software is an update or not. If not means please update to the latest version.
  • Steps for upgrading your phone to the latest version is Initially going to the menu –> Settings –>General –>About Phone –> update center –> software update.
  • Finally the last and the foremost thing is battery temperature. Yeah when the battery temperature is 60-degree Celsius or higher, it should cause power off.
  • If this is power off means don’t worry just close all running apps and wait until the phone cools down inused com.lge.shutdownmonitor.

In Hardware Recover

  • Power may be also turn off when the connection between the battery and the phone terminal caused by battery movement or some other foreign materials on phone.
  • Please check batteries are placed properly and before fixed this kindly clean the batteries using dry clothes and turn on the power to check our connections are correct in used com.lge.shutdownmonitor.
  • The Phone maybe turns off when you drop the phone on a surface and water can also make it.

Reason for monitor shut off after few minutes

  • Monitor Overheating: One of the reasons for the monitor could shut off is that it’s overheating. When a monitor overheats, it shuts off to prevent damage to the circuitry inside.
    • Causes of overheating include dust build-up, excessive heat or humidity, or blockage of the vents that allow the heat to escape.
  • Loose Cable
  • Bad Monitor… etc

Recent Shutdown Monitor APK for Android in com.lge.shutdownmonitor

APK Details

  • Version : 8.0.0 (26)
  • Package : com.lge.shutdowmonitor
  • Uploaded: February 6, 2019
  • Developer: LG Electronics, Inc.
  • Category: Apps, Tools.
  • Andriod Version :
    • Min: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26)
    • Target: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26)
  • Screen DPI : nodpi
  • MD5, SHA – 1, SHA – 256 Signatures
  • Safe to Download

APK certificate fingerprints

SHA- 1: 01d845b26b688d8ef647205a5944e9407e52e06e
SHA- 256: 4274243d7a954ac6482866f0cc67ca1843ca94d68a0ee53f837d6740a8134421

The cryptographic signature guarantees the file is safe to install and was not tampered with in any way.

APK file hashes

MD5: fa2da7084886cel2dc533099a49250e5
SHA-1: b4aedcbe8321fa023ec9534a3ecaba5a064df42a
SHA-256: 24da0427592cc87ec17deb0eedef038eda025b90283cecc2da85d8b6ab058da5

Peoples Review for “shutdown monitor”-com.lge.shutdownmonitor

Many users says their point of view in Read More: com.lge.shutdownmonitor – Shutdown monitor

  • One of the users says they saw a shutdown monitor app on their old Qualcomm device and they don’t see that app anymore on other devices.
  • And that person’s point of view it is a system app, it is not related to account activity and that app can be disabled, it should be Rom dependent.
  • Another user says that a shutdown monitor is not a google activity whereas it is a device activity.
  • Moreover, that person says, your google account on that device is still there and awaiting your return. If you log out of your Google account on the device, that would be logged by Google.
  • Another person says he saw this com.lge.shutdownmonitor in Android phone history.

Important Note about com.lge.shutdownmonitor

Com.lge.shutdownmonitor->If you freeze this , then the power button is greater then power off, so will take a misery longer. We have discussed about com.lge.shutdownmonitor has stopped, if not fixed then visit the com.lge.shutdownmonitor.
