How businesses got their oxygen from automation in Covid Pandemic!

How businesses got their oxygen from automation in Covid Pandemic!


It was 2020 when the Covid took the world in its jaw, since then all are squirming in pain. The business world was hit the most. Data from the survey spoke of small and medium-sized businesses to have suffered the worst. The condition was attributed to two things – First, the working class found itself unable to reach offices due to the lockdown; second, the fear amid public towards consuming any good or service. In brief, businesses suffered from a shortage of manpower, and whatever little was coming in output was not getting consumed. This disruption called for the technology to come to its rescue. The way how work was done evolved around the change. Now work is getting done in slightly different ways. Work confidently using reliable and secure enterprise technology. The easy no code platforms (USA) allowed small businesses to supplement the lost manpower through automation. You may ask your queries about automation here ( Apart from it, experts say that remote work is going to boom in the future too considering the aftermath of this pandemic. The Covid virus might perish, but a psychological fear would sustain for long. Here is an insight:

Pulling the future trends into this present date:

Far before we had heard the word Covid, at the end of year 2019, this Automation was becoming a prime part of the conversations of the working class. There was excitement and there was fear. The anticipation was that this world would see automation spreading throughout within a decade, but the unforeseen Covid crisis pulled the need of that future and made automation a trend of today. There were areas repetitive and bland enough to feed on the creative energies of employees, and then there were areas that required some human intervention alongside. Here is how businesses survived the fall in Pandemic through the implementation of Workflow Automation using no code platforms (USA):

  • The education sector was seen stepping toward online education. It was not an easy task. There were duties for which teachers were habitual of handling face-to-face, and there were duties that required innovation to get work through, such as communication, the delegation of authority, attendance record, cash flow maintenance, planning and analysis, Examination, Checking, and Reporting — All these works were made possible to happen within the homes with the intervention of Automation.
  • Giants like Amazon, Uber, and similar, used automation to handle customer grievances, refund issues, filling the gaps in the work chain, and responding to the basic queries. This helped in customer retention.
  • Considering the size of this pandemic, the healthcare sector was put under a lot of pressure. There was a huge demand of manpower and an equal shortage of it. Automation helped in maintaining the medical record, matching the availability of medical facilities with the needs of people, sending reports to the concerned authority, analyzing the situation and planning accordingly, communicating without contact, and much beyond. Now the medical sector understands how important workflow automation is when it comes to unforeseen situations as this.
  • Where businesses were suffering from a shortage of manpower, Automation helped in retaining them and allowed thus to work remotely. Companies like Airbnb and Google were already ahead when it came to this. A proper communication network and workflow was placed.

Experts say that this trend is going to grow at a greater pace in the future and that the future is going to be about working remotely. Old ways of working are going to be replaced with new ways of working. Companies are already adapting to this change around. Click here to know more about Checkbox and see how it can help your company thrive in these changing times and getting ahead in the competition.
