What Characteristics Are Patients Looking for in a Doctor?

What Characteristics Are Patients Looking for in a Doctor?


Whatever your specialty, you likely spend at least some of your time working with patients. Especially when it comes to primary care but also in specialties like surgery or endocrinology, patients tend to respond positively to certain traits in medical care professionals. Read on for three characteristics of much-loved doctors.

A doctor has a central role in providing health services. So in carrying out his professional duties, a doctor must have 3 characters, namely Politeness, Fellowship, and Togetherness.We have mutual respect between doctors and patients. Need to be reminded again and uphold togetherness,Togetherness character means interconnectivity in providing health services to the community.

«Something very important with integrity, we want to do a good work ethic that is mutual cooperation. So our hope to all doctors, let’s uphold the integrity of the profession, we try our best, practice the doctor’s oath, comply with the ethical standards of the medical profession, mastery of knowledge, and skills.

1. You Treat Patients As Partners

No matter how vast your medical knowledge or how high your USMLE Step 3 CK score is, you can still benefit from collaborating with patients. Your patients live in their bodies and, with a little digging and listening on your part, they may come up with insights and information that will help you tremendously in diagnosis and treatment.

2. You Feel Compassion and Empathy

Patients can tell when their doctors care. They may be more eager to volunteer pertinent information and display greater cooperation with treatment plans when they feel heard and seen by their healthcare providers. Let your patients know you are there to help them and be considerate of their situations.

3. You Show Everyone Respect

A doctor is most effective when both patients and staff feel respected. Building a respectful relationship is important but not always as easy as it may seem. Show patients that you value their time by giving them your best attention and energy. Show employees that you respect their right to a safe workplace by coming to their aid in stressful or potentially compromising situations that may arise. Showing respect is the best way to engender a two-sided relationship where both parties give and receive mutual respect.

Patients cite a tremendous variety of reasons for their love (or lack thereof) for their doctors. Most of these can be attributed to some version of collaboration, empathy, and respect. Developing these attributes can be an excellent way to improve patient relationships and maintain positive practice patterns for now and for the rest of your career.
